
awww cuppy what purpose you
_________________________] serve
i'd have a sit-in in hell
_______________] or phoenix
if i thought it would help
but the west was lost long
before our time
or theirs
baaaam crunch
__________] i have an enterprise
let's steal it back
take away a mans beach
______] and he'll move to the valley
take away his legs
____] and he'll ride the bus
but take his voice and he may stop talking at all
________ [a woman may learn sign language]

take out the onyx
stalagmite in my differential essence
plaid when the sky is blue
but in this atmosphere filled
with discontent and golden parachutes
_______] like a noose

awww cuppy
why's this have to hurt so
awww cuppy why is this so

stranded in a corral with an ass
on the eve of revolution
we may wish we had eaten
less borsht [pork] {bullshit}


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